Monday, October 5, 2020

Coming Back From the Coronavirus as a Stronger Organization

Through all of the change we’ve seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, and all of the uncertainty to come, one thing is certain: The mandate for continuous learning has never been stronger — learning that helps the organization thrive and learning that helps your employees embrace and drive change.

In this on-demand webinar, pioneering digital transformation author and researcher George Westerman explains how to lead your company, and your employees, to emerge successfully from the crisis. He shares new research-driven insights on:

  • How to build an agile digital-ready culture that responds quickly to fast-changing conditions.
  • How a transformative model of learning and development is ideally suited for the current reality.
  • How today’s challenges can position you and your people to come back stronger from the challenges of today.

Examples including CarMax, Cargill, DBS Bank, Airtel, and the United Nations show how you can make these practices work in any industry or region. You can come back stronger from the crisis if you invest in the people and cultural capabilities to make it happen.

Coming Back From the Coronavirus as a Stronger Organization

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